[{"data": {"name": "SAT0251\u2005Selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator shows potent anti-inflammatory effect with improved metabolic profile in a phase i study supported by in vitro data", "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", "genre": "proceedings-article", "author": [{"name": "T. Hegelund Myrb\u00e4ck", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "S. Prothon", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "M. Dearman", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "G. Edenro", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "J. Leander", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "M. Hashemi", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "G. de Miquel", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "R. Fuhr", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "T. K\u00f6rnicke", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Z. Tahib", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "E.-M. Andersson", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "P. Svanberg", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "K. Edman", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "R. Hendrickx", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "C. Keen", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "M. Kraan", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "K. Johansson", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "U. G. Eriksson", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "B. Carlsson", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "O. Vaarala", "@type": "Person"}], "@context": "http://schema.org/", "encoding": [{"@type": "MediaObject", "contentUrl": "https://ard.bmj.com/content/annrheumdis/77/Suppl_2/987.2.full.pdf", "encodingFormat": "application/pdf"}], "publisher": {"name": "BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism", "@type": "Organization"}, "identifier": [{"@type": "PropertyValue", "value": "10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-eular.5451", "propertyID": "DOI"}, {"@type": "PropertyValue", "value": "CCbm19f9oUJ6n-CT8Bhm7SRUU4V-CD6PjWiHTZ2Kd-CRGtpfLFzUzvg", "propertyID": "ISCC"}], "datePublished": "2018-06-01"}, "schema": "schema.org", "mediatype": "application/ld+json"}]