[{"data": {"name": "An open-label, single-arm, phase 2 (PX-171-004) study of single-agent carfilzomib in bortezomib-naive patients with relapsed and/or refractory multiple myeloma", "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", "genre": "journal-article", "author": [{"name": "R. Vij", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "M. Wang", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "J. L. Kaufman", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "S. Lonial", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "A. J. Jakubowiak", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "A. K. Stewart", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "V. Kukreti", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "S. Jagannath", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "K. T. McDonagh", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "M. Alsina", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "N. J. Bahlis", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "F. J. Reu", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "N. Y. Gabrail", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "A. Belch", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "J. V. Matous", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "P. Lee", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "P. Rosen", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "M. Sebag", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "D. H. Vesole", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "L. A. Kunkel", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "S. M. Wear", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "A. F. Wong", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "R. Z. Orlowski", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "D. S. Siegel", "@type": "Person"}], "@context": "http://schema.org/", "encoding": [{"@type": "MediaObject", "contentUrl": "http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/119/24/5661.full.pdf", "encodingFormat": "application/pdf"}], "publisher": {"name": "American Society of Hematology", "@type": "Organization"}, "identifier": [{"@type": "PropertyValue", "value": "10.1182/blood-2012-03-414359", "propertyID": "DOI"}, {"@type": "PropertyValue", "value": "CCHf6jq9NmrxQ-CTAnUkNeBabe5-CDFvNA6rLJcMx-CRbfTckCdkPuD", "propertyID": "ISCC"}], "datePublished": "2012-05-03"}, "schema": "schema.org", "mediatype": "application/ld+json"}]