[{"data": {"name": "Two Years of Nonthermal Emission from the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817: Rapid Fading of the Jet Afterglow and First Constraints on the Kilonova Fastest Ejecta", "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", "genre": "journal-article", "author": [{"name": "A. Hajela", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "R. Margutti", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "K. D. Alexander", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "A. Kathirgamaraju", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "A. Baldeschi", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "C. Guidorzi", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "D. Giannios", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "W. Fong", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Y. Wu", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "A. MacFadyen", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "A. Paggi", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "E. Berger", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "P. K. Blanchard", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "R. Chornock", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "D. L. Coppejans", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "P. S. Cowperthwaite", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "T. Eftekhari", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "S. Gomez", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "G. Hosseinzadeh", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "T. Laskar", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "B. D. Metzger", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "M. Nicholl", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "K. Paterson", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "D. Radice", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "L. Sironi", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "G. Terreran", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "V. A. Villar", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "P. K. G. Williams", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "X. Xie", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "J. Zrake", "@type": "Person"}], "@context": "http://schema.org/", "encoding": [{"@type": "MediaObject", "contentUrl": "http://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.06393", "encodingFormat": "application/pdf"}], "publisher": {"name": "American Astronomical Society", "@type": "Organization"}, "identifier": [{"@type": "PropertyValue", "value": "10.3847/2041-8213/ab5226", "propertyID": "DOI"}, {"@type": "PropertyValue", "value": "CChAGXB4LruR9-CTm9YxcfvNuuc-CDFjSo1jvRj2d-CRvMJKCsTKyat", "propertyID": "ISCC"}], "datePublished": "2019-11-18"}, "schema": "schema.org", "mediatype": "application/ld+json"}]