[{"data": {"name": "The Origin of Attic Comedy. By Francis Macdonald Cornford. Pp. xii + 252. London: Edward Arnold, 1914. 8s. 6d. net.The Dramas and Dramatic Dances of Non-European Races in special reference to the Origin of Greek Tragedy, with an Appendix on the Origin of Greek Comedy. By William Ridgeway, Sc.D., F.B.A. Pp. xv + 448. 92 Illustrations. Cambridge: at the University Press, 1915. 15s.", "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", "genre": "journal-article", "license": "cc0", "@context": "http://schema.org/", "encoding": [{"@type": "MediaObject", "contentUrl": "https://zenodo.org/record/1520017/files/article.pdf", "encodingFormat": "application/pdf"}], "publisher": {"name": "Cambridge University Press (CUP)", "@type": "Organization"}, "identifier": [{"@type": "PropertyValue", "value": "10.2307/625757", "propertyID": "DOI"}, {"@type": "PropertyValue", "value": "CCf3z2exJYpFu-CTUU3Nw5xtCUF-CDtmsZCihThST-CR7ob1hgfaFeT", "propertyID": "ISCC"}], "datePublished": "1916-11-01"}, "schema": "schema.org", "mediatype": "application/ld+json"}]