[{"data": {"name": "Cohort Profile: The North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD)", "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", "genre": "journal-article", "author": [{"name": "Stephen J Gange", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Mari M Kitahata", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Michael S Saag", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "David R Bangsberg", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Ronald J Bosch", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "John T Brooks", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Liviana Calzavara", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Steven G Deeks", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Joseph J Eron", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Kelly A Gebo", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "M John Gill", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "David W Haas", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Robert S Hogg", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Michael A Horberg", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Lisa P Jacobson", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Amy C Justice", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Gregory D Kirk", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Marina B Klein", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Jeffrey N Martin", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Rosemary G McKaig", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Benigno Rodriguez", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Sean B Rourke", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Timothy R Sterling", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Aimee M Freeman", "@type": "Person"}, {"name": "Richard D Moore", "@type": "Person"}], "@context": "http://schema.org/", "encoding": [{"@type": "MediaObject", "contentUrl": "http://europepmc.org/articles/pmc2820873?pdf=render", "encodingFormat": "application/pdf"}], "publisher": {"name": "Oxford University Press (OUP)", "@type": "Organization"}, "identifier": [{"@type": "PropertyValue", "value": "10.1093/ije/dyl286", "propertyID": "DOI"}, {"@type": "PropertyValue", "value": "CCCy5RbrXgQ1r-CTByV2Zo9APdi-CD4cDyUw2fNmW-CRPFR42gneu9f", "propertyID": "ISCC"}], "datePublished": "2007-01-08"}, "schema": "schema.org", "mediatype": "application/ld+json"}]